03 August 2010

Still Tickin Here...

Hey folks...

It's been awhile.  Just haven't been in a bloggin mood as of late.  But that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you all or not having a good time down here.  I may go so far to say I'm having a dandy time down here...or as my Uncle Dick used to say...a "nifty" time.  I'm not sure I know of anyone else who used that word "nifty" as much as Uncle Dick.  It's sort of been mothballed the last twenty years or so.  I think I may have to implement it into my normal adjective usage.

Some words and/or phrases that sum up the last few weeks here in Oz:
  • Coastline
  • Homemade meatballs (damn good)
  • Sinus infection
  • Pontifical High Mass
  • Margaret River Valley
  • Boxing kangaroos (real nifty to see that)
  • Principles
  • Little bike riding because of the third bullet point
  • Little Sisters of the Poor
  • Finished two books...onto some C.S. Lewis now
  • 33 Days
  • I see eye to eye on a few things with John Henry Newman
That just about covers it.  Some new pictures uploaded...check 'em out.

I hope all is well on the other side of the pond.  Peace and love.
