06 September 2010

Grand Theft Larceny...

Haye, mates.

I'm not sure who the scottyinoz audience is anymore these days. I've been a rebel and haven't blogged much this trip to Oz...probably a bit of anti-blogging syndrome and a bit of not a whole lot to post.  Seeing that I'm killing time before an evening meet-up with a buddy...and considering that for the first time in months I'm logged in outside of the office, I figured I'd shoot a few syllables your way.

Main headline form the past few weeks is that I got robbed.  Some fargin bastage hopped over the wall to my carport, pulled the screen, slid open my window and proceeded to pilfer my laptop, my backpack, 40 or so dollars in loose change and a boomerang I was going to send to one of you folks there in the USofA.  My backpack had my external hard drive, digital camera, car keys for the Mazda...that joker even took my favorite lid...my wool Gatsby cap.  Could have been worse...passport and bank papers were untouched and no damage to the apartment.  Cops came by (3 days after the crime!), dusted for prints and basically said I was SOL...Sounds like burglaries are an everyday shindig here in Perth.  So much for having faith in the goodness of humanity...travel insurance through Golder kicked in, so I'll recover the cost of the items...unfortunately, a ton of sensitive info was on the computer and hard drive...no signs of stolen ID, but the idea of it drove me nuts for a few days...nothing I can really do about it at this point...if it happens, will deal with it then. The other bummer is that my digital archive of all things engineering and photos is gone.  Time to start again, I suppose.

Work has been a bear the last month or so...a bit of a respite this past weekend, but the task in front of us the next four weeks is monumental.  A bit bewildering to think about....that's why I haven't thought about work in three whole days.  Will be going all out from now until early October. 

Plans are to fly through Chi-town for Christmas.  Already looking forward to that.  Planning to make the traditional stop by Gene's on the way out of O'Hare, grab a load of kielbasa, kraut and other assorted Polish goods.  May fly through Houston after Christmas to visit friends down there...haven't been through TX in awhile...will be good to catch up with folks there.

Rode with the 6:30 group this past Saturday...hardest and fastest ride I've done since I quit racing.  Got dropped on the climbs, but never flicked...hammered alright on the flats and dropped a few guys on the leadout to the sprint, but zero snap...still not too bad for a slacker, though.  The biggest thing has been recovery...holy smokes...legs never got sore, but I've been a tired fool the last few days...the old bones can't recover like they used to!

College football started this past weekend...NFL starts on Thursday...and I'm going to miss it all or at least 90 percent of the NFL season.  Pretty hacked off about that, but what you gonna do?  Hopefully Drew plays like a champ again this season.

That's about it from this end.  Hope you're all well and enjoying the long weekend...whoever may be reading this stuff.  Not sure when I'll write again, but until then, take care and God bless.
