10 June 2010

The Quiet Place...

I'm sure we've all been in a place or situation where there was a lot of noise.  A concert.  A ball game.  Maybe the dinner table!  Trying to hear what someone right next to us has to say can be difficult or impossible.  Too much noise and too many distractions seem to get in the way of the conversation.  It's possible to catch a word or two, but not the whole thing.  It's possible to hear something completely different than what was said.  Or, nothing at all may be heard. 

I'm learning more and more that finding a quiet place is not so much about me being able to be heard...but more about me being able to hear...


Unknown said...

So well said.
The picture is great; it says the same in another way.

Lals said...

Beautiful post, Scotty... and beautiful chapel, too!